CLBO (Cesium Lithium Borate CsLiB6O10) – Laser Crystal – Nonlinear Crystal – Customized Products

Product ID: 6698


CLBO (Cesium Lithium Borate CsLiB6O10) – Laser Crystal – Nonlinear Crystal – Customized Products

CLBO (Cesium Lithium Borate, CsLiB6O10) is a new type of nonlinear crystal. It has a wide transparent spectral range (175~2800 nm), a high nonlinear coefficient, 2.2 times that of KDP, and a small dispersion angle.

The laser damage threshold is high, up to 26GW/cm2, and the multiplicative conversion efficiency is 60% (SHG). It can work at room temperature and is well suited for Nd: YAG lasers to produce 4w (266 nm) and 5w (213 nm) octave light output. It can be used for UV parametric oscillation (OPG) and parametric amplification (OPA).

$100 is a deposit, not the final price of the product. Please contact us for price if needed.

Features of CLBO Nnonlinear Crystal:
Small discrete angle
Low absorption coefficient
High frequency conversion efficiency
Easy-to-grow single crystal
High laser damage threshold
Efficient nonlinear optical coefficients
Its uv absorption edge reaches 180 nm
Larger angle, spectral and temperature bandwidth values

Physical and Chemical Properties

Attribute Numerical
Chemical Formula CsLiB6O10
Crystal Structure Tetragonal Negative Uniaxial Crystal,42 m
Lattice Constant a=10.494Å,c = 8.939Å,Z=4
Mass Density 2.461 g/cm3
Mohs Hardness 5.5
Melting Point 1118 K
Molecular Mass 364.706
Thermal Conductivity 1.25 W/m K


Nonlinear Optical Properties

Attribute 数值
NLO Coefficient deff(I)=d36sinθmsin(2φ)
Thermal Coefficient of Light dno/dT=-1.9*10-6/℃
Damage Threshold 26 GW/cm2
Wavelength(nm) 532 + 532 = 266
1064 + 266 = 213
Phase Supporting Frame(°) 61.7
Flow Rate(pm / V) 0.84
Angle Tolerance(mrad·cm) 0.49
Declination(°) 1.83
Spectral Acceptability(nm·cm) 0.13
Temperature Acceptability(℃·cm) 8.3


Linear Optical Properties

Attribute Value
Transparent Range 180-2750 nm
Absorption Coefficient 0.0013 cm−1
Refractive Index
1.064 micron n= 1.4340, n= 1.4838
0.532 micron n= 1.4445, n= 1.4971
Sellmeier Equation (λinμm) no= 2.2104+0.01018/(λ2-0.01424)-0.01258λ2
ne= 2.0588+0.00838/(λ2-0.01363)-0.00607λ2


Experimental Value of Refractive Index

λ[µm] no ne
0.42 1.5058 1.4517
0.45 1.503 1.4493
0.48 1.5006 1.4474
0.5 1.4991 1.4462
0.532 1.4971 1.4445
0.56 1.4957 1.4434
0.59 1.4943 1.4422
0.61 1.4935 1.4414
0.6328 1.4928 1.4409
0.67 1.4915 1.4398
0.7 1.4907 1.4392
0.72 1.4902 1.4387
1.064 1.4838 1.434


Experimental Values ​​for Phase Matching Temperature, Internal Angle and Temperature Bandwidth

Interaction Wavelength[μm] θpm [deg] T [◦C] Δθint [deg] ΔT [◦C]
SHG, o + o ⇒ e
0.946 ⇒ 0.473 90 -15 5
0.5235 ⇒0.26175 65.8 ~160
0.5321 ⇒ 0.26605 62 ~140
61.4 20 0.23 6.2
1.0642 ⇒0.5321 29.5 20 0.043 52.7
1.3382 ⇒ 0.6691 27.7 20 68.7
SFG, o + o ⇒ e
1.0642 + 0.26605 ⇒ 0.21284 67.3 20 3.6
1.547 + 0.221 ⇒0.19338 61.7 150
1.9079 + 0.2128 ⇒ 0.1914 55 20 1.2
1.0642 + 0.35473 ⇒ 0.26605 50.6 20 6.1
1.0642 + 0.5321 ⇒ 0.35473 39.1 20 18
SHG, e + o ⇒ e
1.0642 ⇒0.5321 42.4 20 49.4
SFG, e + o ⇒ e
1.9079 + 0.2128 ⇒ 0.1914 57.4 20 1.1
1.0642 + 0.5321 ⇒ 0.35473 48.9 20 17



TaorLab laser crystals